Popular Brands
American Beauties™
American Beauties™ are an exciting collection of native plants that are rewarding and easy to grow. Native plants are ideally suited to the climate and soils they evolved in. American Beauties™ offer a means to introduce colorful and amazing wildlife such as birds and butterflies into your garden. Native plants generally require less supplemental water once established and typically require minimal fertilizer and pest control. Native plants create beautiful garden habitats for desirable wildlife by providing food and habitat. Wildwood has partnered through our grower, Prides Corner Farms, who partnered with American Beauties™, LLC who together support the National Wildlife Federation. For every American Beauties™ plant sold Prides Corner Farms donates between 25 cents to a dollar to the National Wildlife Federation, depending on container size. Help support a great cause by purchasing American Beauties™.
David Austin® Roses
David Austin® Roses are internationally recognized English Roses which unite the beauty of flower form and fragrance of old roses with the prestige of color and repeat bloom of modern roses. David Austin® consistently maintains a high level of meticulous planning in trialing and breeding new superior varieties. The extensive collection contains roses that suit almost every garden situation. David Austin® Roses are known for their ease of growth, health, reliability, and outstanding garden performance.
Drift® Roses
From the creators of the Knock Out Rose, these tough landscape roses add continuous color to the landscape. They are a cross between a miniature rose and a landscape rose: small in size but big when it comes to performance and reliability.
Easy Elegance® Roses
These are not your Grandmother's roses! Easy to grow, hardy, disease resistant, and bearing beautiful, classic rose blooms.
Flower Carpet® Roses
Flower Carpet® Roses are the most beautiful and easy to grow and maintain ground cover rose available. Flower Carpet® Roses will captivate your garden through masses of blooms that will flower all season long. From their rich glossy green foliage to their disease and drought tolerance it’s no wonder why gardeners are going wild over this seemingly endless blanket of color. We simply recommend pruning back your rose to 1/3 the size in early spring to continue to maintain brilliant success year after year. Flower Carpet® Roses are available in many incredible colors, including: Amber, Apple Blossom, Coral, Yellow, Pink, Pink Supreme, Red, Scarlet, & White.
Knock Out® Roses
The Knock Out® Family of Roses has stunning flower power with a prolonged bloom cycle. They are very disease resistant and will bloom from spring until the first hard frost. Growing to more than 3-4’ tall and wide, these roses create instant impact in the landscape. A once a year pruning (12-18’’ above ground level) in early spring is recommended for maximum performance. The Knock Out® Family of Roses comes in several fabulous colors, including: Knock Out®, Double Knock Out®, Pink Knock Out®, Pink Double Knock Out®, Rainbow Knock Out®, Blushing Knock Out®, Coral Knock Out®, Sunny Knock Out®, and Petite Knock Out®.
Endless Summer Hydrangea
Endless Summer® Hydrangeas are proven, cold hardy, repeat bloomers. The Endless Summer® Collection has the distinguishing characteristic of blooming on both the current season’s growth as well as the previous year’s growth, greatly outperforming the old-fashioned Hydrangea macrophylla. If there is a late frost or extended cold temperature exposure, the old-fashioned Hydrangea macrophylla can lose the flower buds that formed on the previous year’s growth. Under these circumstances, they may bloom little or not at all. Endless Summer® blooms on new growth and can showcase a billowing display of blossoms from late spring till late fall.
Endless Summer® ‘The Original’ is a mophead hydrangea that blooms pink in alkaline soil and blue in acidic soil. Endless Summer® ‘Blushing Bride’ is a mophead hydrangea that blooms white and matures to blush pink or pale blue. Endless Summer® ‘Twist-n-Shout’ is a lacecap hydrangea that blooms pink in alkaline soil and blue in acidic soil. See all of the Endless Summer varieties at endlesssummerblooms.com.
First Editions®
First Editions shrubs and perennials are a distinctive series of plants, offering unusual varieties with long-season color. They give you an easy way to bring fresh design ideas to any garden setting.
Goodness Grows®
Goodness Grows Edibles offers a fantastic line of delicious fruit and vegetables, available in larger size pots for instant success. No other plants say YUM like Goodness Grows™.
Sara’s Superb Herbs®
Wildwood is a proud supplier of Sara’s Super Herbs® which are quality, fresh and ready-to-use herbs and vegetables. Wildwood has partnered through one of our growers, Prides Corner Farms, who formed a partnership with Easter Seals Camp Hemlocks. Easter Seals has helped individuals with disabilities and special needs and their families by offering a variety of services to address life’s challenges and achieve personal goals. For each Sara’s Superb Herb® sold, Prides Corner Farms contributes 50 cents to Easter Seals Camp Hemlocks. The proceeds go towards providing children and adults with disabilities the opportunity to go to camp. Please join us in supporting this worth-while cause.
HandPicked For You Plants®
HandPicked For You® offers a curated selection of the best perennials and shrubs, selected to be non-invasive, disease-resistant and low maintenance. You can be sure that you are getting a reliable plant with proven performance when you look for the HandPicked For You® tag!
Plants That Work®
Plants That Work® offers a series of specially selected container grown trees, shrubs, and perennials. These plants have been chosen for their unique foliage, flower and form, and are sure to be a success in every home garden.
Proven Winners® & Proven Winners® Color Choice®
It’s tough not to fall in love with Proven Winners® and Proven Winners® Color Choice®. When you think of Proven Winners® you think of plants that are easy to grow and care for and that provide bright colorful blooms and foliage all season long. Proven Winners® works with plant breeders around the world in an effort to supply the most innovative and successful plants for your garden. Proven Winners® plants are rigorously trialed and tested for disease resistance, optimal growth and for bigger, bolder, and richer flowers.
Raymond Evison Clematis®
Raymond Evison spent six decades developing what are arguably the best Clematis on the market. His line of plants now include over 100 varieties of Clematis that feature distinctive, repeat flowering, excellent disease resistance, stability, and lasting beauty.
Volcano® Phlox
Volcano® Phlox is a superior family of garden phlox that are compact, fragrant, and abundantly floriferous and mildew tolerant. Volcano® Phlox grow on sturdy stems (24-30’’ tall) which produce masses of large, fragrant flower clusters that bloom from June through September. They are more disease resistant, grow in full sun or partial shade, and are an excellent choice for garden borders or containers. They are available in several fabulous colors, including: pink (w/ red eye), pink (w/ white eye), purple, red, ruby, and white. To prolong blooming we recommend cutting the stems back by 2/3 after the initial bloom to encourage new stems with additional flower clusters.
BlewLabel® Perennials and Shrubs
BlewLabel® perennials and shrubs have been grown in large containers with rich organic-based soils. Never artifically forced, these plants are guaranteed to bring instant gratification and long term enjoyment!

American Beauties™ Native Plants
CLICK HERE to learn more

David Austin® Roses
CLICK HERE to learn more

Drift® Roses
CLICK HERE to learn more

Easy Elegance® Roses
CLICK HERE to learn more

Endless Summer™ Hydrangea
CLICK HERE to learn more

Flower Carpet® Roses
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First Editions®
CLICK HERE to learn more

Sara's Superb Herbs®
CLICK HERE to learn more

Knock Out® Roses
CLICK HERE to learn more

Proven Winners®
CLICK HERE to learn more

Raymond Evison® Clematis
CLICK HERE to learn more